Kinda creepy
A friend of mine turned me on to this website... You can imput some info and it will estimate your day of death.
Let's set my funeral....Tuesday, January 26, 2049 at 2pm. I prefer afternoon service, that way I can sleep in. Oh wait, how can I have the funeral if I die on that day? Let set the service for Friday, January 29, 2049 at 2pm. I like that...there's a 2 and a 9 at the beginning and end of 29 and 2049.
I'm not a believer in numerology, but I do think it is cool when coincidences like that happen. I am in love with the thought that it means something, even though it really doesn't. Of course...who's to say it doesn't have some meaning. Damn, I will only be 79. I've only got 42 more years. There's so much to do. Makes me stop and wonder what I really want for the next half of my life. Do I want stupid things, stupid people and stupid actions to upset and effect my attitude? I don't know what is happening after I die. This could be it. Do I really need to be in such stress and turmoil most of the time? Stress could be knocking my years down every few months. I guess turning off the unpleasantries and only paying attention to the good received and given would almost be enlightenment.
OOOOhhhhhmmmmm....I will not let idiots bother me, I will not let idiots bother me...OOOOhhhmmmm.
What would be the biggest dream in life? I personally would like to give up funeral directing for humans and open a pet funeral home. Doggies, kitties, gerbils, hamsters, turtles, bunnies, hedgehogs...what ever the animal. Make house calls, set up personal viewings or even full funeral/memorial service.
This is probly a bad thing to admit out loud but, when people call the funeral home looking for a place to take their dog or cat, I feel more sympathy than for deceased relatives. Maybe it is because I know this person loved their pet unconditionally. They are not wanting to hurry up and get the life insurance cashed, the estate cleared or fighting over who bought the biggest flower piece. They are truely sad and grief stricken with the loss of a pet. Death seems to always bring out the worst in people. I truely love my dog. I would definately (and plan to when the time comes) have her cremated and buy a nice urn for her, so that I may keep a piece of her with me forever. If I had children I would probly go to the next step and do a full funeral service. Just so that they would learn and understand death and tradition.
Maybe someday when I'm enlightened. Seriously, I am setting a goal to not let idiots and their idiot actions bother me. I can only do what I can do. May many ladybugs fly in my path.
Let's set my funeral....Tuesday, January 26, 2049 at 2pm. I prefer afternoon service, that way I can sleep in. Oh wait, how can I have the funeral if I die on that day? Let set the service for Friday, January 29, 2049 at 2pm. I like that...there's a 2 and a 9 at the beginning and end of 29 and 2049.
I'm not a believer in numerology, but I do think it is cool when coincidences like that happen. I am in love with the thought that it means something, even though it really doesn't. Of course...who's to say it doesn't have some meaning. Damn, I will only be 79. I've only got 42 more years. There's so much to do. Makes me stop and wonder what I really want for the next half of my life. Do I want stupid things, stupid people and stupid actions to upset and effect my attitude? I don't know what is happening after I die. This could be it. Do I really need to be in such stress and turmoil most of the time? Stress could be knocking my years down every few months. I guess turning off the unpleasantries and only paying attention to the good received and given would almost be enlightenment.
OOOOhhhhhmmmmm....I will not let idiots bother me, I will not let idiots bother me...OOOOhhhmmmm.
What would be the biggest dream in life? I personally would like to give up funeral directing for humans and open a pet funeral home. Doggies, kitties, gerbils, hamsters, turtles, bunnies, hedgehogs...what ever the animal. Make house calls, set up personal viewings or even full funeral/memorial service.
This is probly a bad thing to admit out loud but, when people call the funeral home looking for a place to take their dog or cat, I feel more sympathy than for deceased relatives. Maybe it is because I know this person loved their pet unconditionally. They are not wanting to hurry up and get the life insurance cashed, the estate cleared or fighting over who bought the biggest flower piece. They are truely sad and grief stricken with the loss of a pet. Death seems to always bring out the worst in people. I truely love my dog. I would definately (and plan to when the time comes) have her cremated and buy a nice urn for her, so that I may keep a piece of her with me forever. If I had children I would probly go to the next step and do a full funeral service. Just so that they would learn and understand death and tradition.
Maybe someday when I'm enlightened. Seriously, I am setting a goal to not let idiots and their idiot actions bother me. I can only do what I can do. May many ladybugs fly in my path.
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