Friday, March 09, 2007

atheism vs agnostic

I have never been religious. At a young age I started to look for alternatives, meanings or maybe something to believe in. I have yet to find it. Reading the many atheist websites and blogs as left me with uneasy thoughts. I am agnostic because I do not think I know everything. I cannot possibly know whether or not there is a supernatural being/force. There has been no proof provided to me either way. Evolution is a nice concept and for the most part I agree with it, but the thought still looms in the back of my mind that "something" might have created that first micro of life. My questions never stop...who created the creator or that atom, micro organism?

Because the questions never stop and are never answered logically, I am agnostic. I am not agnostic because I am too afraid to come out as an atheist. I am not agnostic because I am weak or without ethics/morals. I have found that quite a few of atheists seem to make statements against others that do not follow in their non belief. These atheist sound like the xians preaching, name calling and placing judgements and limitations on everything. Atheist are fighting for everyone to be free of religions/belief systems being forced down their throats yet at the same time some atheist are expressing the same behavior for their cause.

I am not a hem haw person that is too afraid to stand up for myself. I think everyone has the right to their own beliefs/thoughts/non beliefs. I have a problem with people that use their ideas to harm, to force, to alienate, or to discriminate others no matter what their belief/non belief is. I should not have to follow anyone's path in order to live in peace and advance in life. Instead of "in god we trust" maybe it should be "in peace we trust".

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